Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Provo Photography Photoshop Tip: Actions!

Sometimes we get asked, "How do you find time to go out to dinner, go to the movies, and hang out with friends when you have pictures at home that need to be edited?" The answer to this is very simple: "Photoshop Actions!"

Actions are a great tool and a wonderful time saver! How often do you find yourself doing the same steps in photoshop on each of your pictures? There is no need to waste all your time sitting behind the computer doing those same steps over and over again!

Photoshop Actions are a series of recorded steps that you record yourself doing edits to an image. It is then saved in your "actions" folder. The next time you want to apply this effect to an image or multiple images, all you have to do is press play! The action will apply the effects you did to the original image to as many images as you want! It's awesome! It saves you lots of time, and very easy to do.

So while the computer is doing all the work... you get to go play tennis, go to a movie, or hang out with your family! :)

Wanna see how they work?

Watch this tutorial: CLICK HERE. It shows you how to set them up and everything! Also the Help menu in photoshop is very informative!

These are great! If you have a whole folder of images that need to be resized and saved as JPG... make an action! If you need to enhance the color in all of your images... make an action!

You can even find free actions that others have made online and save them on your computer.

What a time saver!

Keep coming back each week for our Provo Photography Photoshop tips!

1 comment:

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